What is your definition of Success?
Four years ago,I was on a bus in Lagos, Nigeria on my way to see my friend in a popular place called Computer Village.
While I was waiting for the bus to get filled up,one of the bus drivers in his late 40s started dancing at the bus park with no music playing (well at least I wasn’t hearing any music).
Everybody at the park including his colleagues wondered why he was dancing so one of them decided to asked him “What are you so happy about?”.
He replied and said “My brother,I have made it in this life, I have my own house, all my kids have graduated from school and my transport business is doing okay, my brother, I have made it”.
I smiled sheepishly at his comment because I thought it was so simple and sweet in a world where we have a picture perfect definition of what Success should be like.
A world where been rich is determined by abundance in material things, this man based his success on been able to take care of his family.
Now that I have gotten older, I understand now that Success is relative and based on perspective.
So what exactly is Success?
According to the English Dictionary, it defines Success in two major ways the world looks at it:
Success can be defined as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame.
Success can be defined as the achievement of ones aim or goal.
You would agree with me that 80% of people’s world view agree with the former as the only definition of Success and they are never happy because they are yet to discover what Success means to them.
The other 20% have defined what Success means to them and have decided to live life based on purpose, they have set up different plans that would not only bring them material things but have clearly defined what Success specifically means to them.
What group do you belong to?
The 80% or 20%?
I’d say we should strive to be part of the 20% because you would not be troubled by what you don’t have but what you’d be focused on what you’ve been able to accomplish so far and be truly content with the journey you’ve experienced.
So what is your definition of Success?